A city chick trying to keep her creative side alive! "All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." - Pablo Picasso

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Word's Out

Word is finally out about my upcoming departure.
This is the explaination I posted on Oregon Media Insiders:

Yes - It's true!
Submitted by anitainportland on Wed, 04/23/2008 - 10:28am.
Hi Lynn -Before any rumors get rolling, I'd like to clear the air about my upcoming departure/adventure.

Yes, I've been accepted to Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism. Starting in September, I'll be getting an MA in Political Journalism. It's a relatively new program aimed at mid-career professionals who want to refresh, rekindle and renew their passion for the craft we call journalism. The best part, the program is only 9 months!

That said - I'm not leaving for good! KATU has been gracious enough to allow me to attend the program and return after graduation. (As my news director said, it's not as if I'm going to pottery school, it's Columbia!) My dream is to do more reporting at city hall. (Randy @ KGW is my idol!) As much as I enjoy the spontaneity of general assignment reporting, I crave more depth.

There have been many "journalists" quick to criticize and tell me this is a waste of money, and I'm certain those type of comments will soon follow here. I'm the first to admit pressing “pause” on my current life will be difficult. (Sky-high tuition and no salary! Yikes!) BUT - The time to achieve this life-long goal is now, before my life gets any more comfortable or complicated.
So - if anyone's lived in NYC and has espresso/cafe recommendations - please send them my way! And hold the good stories until I get back!

-Anita Kissee


Blogger Collin Williams said...

Congrats on being accepted to Columbia! It's encouraging to read about someone achieving their goals. Look forward to reading about how it goes when you're there.

11:11 AM

Blogger Tamara said...

haha. you will be the real life MASTER of your own domain when you return! can't wait to show you the secret handshake....

11:50 AM


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